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Re: [fltk.general] Examples create a ton of dynamic visual objects

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Re: Examples create a ton of dynamic visual objects Albrecht Schlosser Sep 29, 2016  
On 29.09.2016 22:11 Juan Dent wrote:

Following the Tabs example, the main() function creates a bunch of GUI
objects using new but never deletes them!!

This is a bad approach!!

Please enlighten me!

You may not want to hear (read) this because your teachers taught you a different story, but ...

Deleting GUI elements at the end of the program is not only not necessary, it can also slow down your program when someone clicks the "Exit" button or menu. Executing destructors takes some time, and normally nobody wants to wait for that until the program _really_ exits. Note that this is only true if the d'tors don't need to reset any other program state like open files or such. If your widgets hold data that need to be flushed at exit, running the d'tors may be essential.

That said, all resources required by GUI elements are free'd at program exit anyway, so there's no need to do this explicitly.

And, BTW, if you really wanted to delete all GUI elements then you could just 'delete foo_window;' after Fl::run() returns. This would delete all GUI elements included in foo_window (see Fl_Window docs).

Something like this would do the trick:

  foo_window->show(argc, argv);
  delete foo_window;
  return 0;

In this case the CPU time difference can't be measured reliably, but anyway: it's useless to do this, and we don't recommend this in the general case. See exceptions above.

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