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[fltk.coredev] Using NVidia's libEGL instead of Mesa's libEGL

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Using NVidia's libEGL instead of Mesa's libEGL Gonzalo Garramuño 18:45 Apr 29  
  According to CMake's find_package(OpenGL), setting this should allow for a vendor neutral distribution of Wayland and EGL:

find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)


target_link_libraries(mrv2 PUBLIC ${LIBRARIES} )

But it does not seem to work for me.  My application with FLTK and GLFW both latest (compiled on Rocky Linux 8.9 and running on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS) starts fine but always loads Mesa's libEGL.

Google's Gemini told me about these variables:

The system searches for directories or files specified by environment variables: __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES: This variable takes a colon-separated list of JSON files describing available ICDs. __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_DIRS: This variable takes a colon-separated list of directories containing JSON files for ICDs.

I set them to:



And then my application does not start and gives me the weird error:

GLFW ERROR: EGL: Failed to get EGL display: Success
ERROR: Cannot create window

The reason I want load NVidia's EGL instead of Mesa's EGL is one of performance.  Mesa's EGL plays 4K movies at 16 FPS while NVidia's EGL plays them at a perfect 60 FPS.

Manolo and Albrecht, can you help?

Gonzalo Garramuño

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