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Re: [fltk.general] Focus

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Re: Focus imm Mar 27, 2007  
On 26 Mar 2007, at 22:49, Millan wrote:
Just to be sure about this, and avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, let me
specify in detail my program structure about this issue:

There's a main window class derived from fltk::Window which holds all
mentioned components. The following is that class and corresponding methods
(callback functions):

Please, if you are going to post examples, make sure they are complete enough to be compilable... There are too many bits missing from your example. I could guess, of course, but that might inadvertently alter what you are trying to achieve, or otherwise mask the issues you have...

Can you post a small, complete, example somewhere? Then people might be able to advise you further?

Anyway, some comments...

I had the impression from your earlier description that the browser window was a free floating dialog - yet you seem to be creating it as a child of your main window? If the browser is entirely within your main window then surely the separate browserWindow that encloses it is redundant? If it is intended to be a free floating window in its own right, I would be inclined to create it as such, and not as a child of the main window - perhaps that is why you are having issues with handling the focus?

If there was any doubt about this issue, I hope this will clarify it.

Not entirely!  :-)

Also since I would like to continue my work as soon as possible, can someone please tell me how long will it take for FLTK 2.x library to gets patched, so
I can replace my current version of FLTK 2.x library, and start to use
corrected one?

I'd guess it will be fixed when it is fixed. If you really need something that's stable, using s/w that's still in alpha development may not be your best choice - I suggest fltk-1.1 is a very robust option for you. Or you can post the necessary patches yourself - I'm sure the maintainers would be grateful.

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