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Re: [fltk.coredev] RFC: Add options to Fl_Pack for right vs. left and bottom vs. top packing

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Re: RFC: Add options to Fl_Pack for right vs. left and bottom vs. top packing Albrecht Schlosser Sep 06, 2014  
On 23.06.2014 21:47, Greg Ercolano wrote:
Unless I'm missing something obvious:

      1) It seems like Fl_Pack could use a few options to allow
          right vs left and bottom vs top justification.

      2) I don't /think/ there are any tricks involving a combo of widgets
          to achieve this.. or are there?

Looking for votes on #1, and input on #2 if there /is/ a trick
to achieving, say, right-justified packing.

I'm late to the party, but just in case you're still waiting for votes:

+1 on adding right and bottom justification, although I don't think that bottom justification would be very useful, but who knows...

That said, Fl_Pack resizes itself so that all widgets fit, so there is probably no need to use right justification - it would just be a matter of ordering the widgets. But then your given usage example wouldn't work anyway. Or am I missing a point? As I see it, Fl_Pack only has a top left coordinate (x,y) and either a height or width, depending on its type and resizes itself (i.e. the missing width or height) depending on its children. This is from the docs:

"If type() is Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL all the children are resized to the height of the Fl_Pack, and are moved next to each other horizontally. If type() is not Fl_Pack::HORIZONTAL then the children are resized to the width and are stacked below each other. Then the Fl_Pack resizes itself to surround the child widgets."

IIRC there's an undocumented special feature with the resizable(), but you would have to look at the code. The comment says:
"// Last child, if resizable, takes all remaining room".

That would maybe have to be interpreted as "First child, if resizable, takes all remaining room", if ordering is reverse (from last child to first child, starting at bottom or right border).

BTW: reading this again, this would mean: if the last child is the resizable(), then Fl_Pack has a fixed _minimum_ size, as given with w() or h() resp.: the last child will be resized, if the total size is smaller than the given w() or h(). If the last child is not the resizable, or if the total width/height of the children is bigger than given, Fl_Pack will resize itself. Is this really what it does?

All that sounds weird and complicated, so I would personally not want to touch it, but feel free to do it if you like.

Note: the current behavior WRT resizable() should probably be documented. Any volunteers? If not, I may try to do it...

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