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Can't set focus on child widget in Fl_Tabs

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Can't set focus on child widget in Fl_Tabs William Knight May 21, 2006  
I've created a tabbed dialog using fluid and I want to set the focus on an Fl_Input widget when the dialog is shown. But the focus is always set to the 'Ok' button instead.

--------- Here's my layout in fluid:

+Double_Window win
 +Tabs tabs
  +Group tab0
   +Input inp
  +Group tab1
   +Check_Button chk
 +Button "&Ok"
 +Button "&Cancel"

---------- Fluid-generated header:

class App_Prefs_Dlg {
  Fl_Double_Window *win;
  Fl_Tabs *tabs;
  Fl_Group *tab0;
  Fl_Input *inp;
  Fl_Group *tab1;
  Fl_Check_Button *chk;
  void cb_Ok_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
  static void cb_Ok(Fl_Button*, void*);
  void cb_Cancel_i(Fl_Button*, void*);
  static void cb_Cancel(Fl_Button*, void*);

---------- code to show dialog:

Prefs_Dlg *dlg = new Prefs_Dlg()
dlg->inp->position( strlen( inp->value()), 0 );


Observed Result: 'Ok' button has the focus
Expected Result:  inp widget has the focus, text is selected

What's the best way get the input widget to have the focus when the dialog is first shown? I'm currently using fltk-1.1.x-r4509.

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