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[fltk.bugs] [MOD] STR #1321: Fl_Menu_Button: tooltips can interfere with menus

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[MOD] STR #1321: Fl_Menu_Button: tooltips can interfere with menus Greg Ercolano Jun 12, 2006  
[STR New]

(Fedora Core 3 Linux)

Sometimes tooltips can appear while menus are posted, obscuring the menu,
and the tooltips don't go away when mouse crosses into it.

Other platforms don't seem to do this (windows, OSX)

Add a tooltip to the Fl_Choice 'ch' in fltk/test/menubar.cxx.
Compile and run, then try to select items in the 'Choice';
tooltip appears over menu, obscuring it, and remains positioned
over menu while it is posted and being navigated.

Similar effect happens if you add a tooltip to the Fl_Box 'b'.

Tooltips should probably be deactivated while menus are posted.

Link: http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L1321
Version: 1.1.7

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