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Re: [fltk.bugs] List of the errors

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Re: List of the errors matthiasm Jun 11, 2006  

On Jun 9, 2006, at 12:15 PM, abhijeet wrote:

respected sir/madam,
I had the fltk1.1.0 version which i was used for the running the application for display. I found the list of the errors after linking of the multiple files.
    Since i am new in fltk world please help me to come out thanks.

Hi there,

We will need a lot more information about what you are trying to do to be able to help you. Here are a few points:

- Please do *not* send Word files. They can contain virusses and nobody on a MSWindows system will look at those. Just send plain ASCII text - please tell us which version exactly of FLTK you are trying to compile. You say 1.1.0, but the error messages you sent are from a 2.x version. - what are you trying to compile? Thissems to be your own code. If so, explain more on how you created your project, and if you compiled FLTK yourself or if you have a binary distribution - please, always tell us which operating system you use and which compiler and IDE (if any). This is particularly important when you get build errors.

Happy coding,



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